Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blueberries & Birds

This is a photo of an Impeyan, a pheasant that is the national bird of Nepal. In our collection of birds, we have many different types of pheasants, including Red Golden, Yellow Golden, Lady Amherst, Mongolian Ringneck, Standard Ringneck, Silver, Impeyan, and Swinhoe. We also have a Gold Crested Crane from Uganda. Our collection also includes Big Breasted Bronze Turkeys, and Bourbon and Royal Palm Turkeys. We have approximately 30 roosters that are virtually all rare or endangered varieties, approximately 40 laying hens, and chukkar partridges.
Our eggs are given free of charge to friends who agree to make donations to the local FISH food bank. We will harvest and process approximately 40 turkeys this year at Thanksgiving time, all as free gifts for friends.
We have a "Chicken Village" of 8 individual chicken houses with a population of approximately 9 chickens to help create that sense of "WOW" that we would like for our next generations to feel.
Our Certified Organic Blueberries look terrific this year for our U-pickers. Our Blueberries are Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth each year. All the wet weather seems to have infused them with a desire to grow large in size and number. They will probably ripen later than normal this year due to the prolonged damp and cold weather in May and June. U-pickers can check with us around the first week of July...we will have a message on the phone about the ripening schedule and guess for season's length...(541) 386-5806.
We have seven (7) different varieties of heirloom blueberries, each with its own distinctive taste. We encourage U-pickers to nibble to their hearts' content...try them all...we do not weigh you when you arrive, and hence are not able to determing how much you ate while here! The bushes are about 50 years old! Hence many bear over 35 (yes thirty-five) pounds of berries per bush!
It is a particular source of happiness for us to welcome toddlers (of all ages), play groups, and class outings. Combining blueberry picking/sampling with the diversion of visiting the aviaries of exotic and domestic birds, with ample grassy playspace, and shade with rocking chairs and a porch swing on the barn/bunkhouse porch makes for a fun outing and respite for mothers of dynamic toddlers.
It is with a special sense of JOY that we announce and welcome the Wedding of Andy Edwards and Rachel Good, the festivities for which will take place the weekend of July 24. We will close the farm to U-pickers that day in celebration of this glorious event.
Our Serviceberries look great also this year. The cultivars (types) of serviceberries that we raise are sweeter than blueberries (Helen does not agree!), have the same anti-oxidants, more vitamin C, and a slightly "almondy" aftertaste due to their miniscule seeds. These berries are free for the tasting. Since they are only three years old, the crop will not support a normal "U-pick" season. Try them...they are yummy!
Our pumpkin patch and veggie gardens are planted, but behind schedule due to the rainy weather. We supply most of our own veggies from these gardens. The squashes and pumpkins are fun to look at, and they are particularly popular with our turkeys, especially the zucchini!
Looking forward to your visits!

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